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UN human rights chief promises support for ′comfort women′ 유엔인권최고대표, 위안부 피해자 면
UN human rights chief promises support for ′comfort women′ 유엔인권최고대표, 위안부 피해자 면
UN human rights chief urges Japan to come clean on wartime sexual slavery 유엔
Seoul's foreign minister to raise 'comfort women' issue at UN Human Rights Council
Japan to review UN recommendation on comfort women issue
Seoul's foreign minister to raise 'comfort women' issue at UN Human Rights Council
S. Korea calls Japan's probe into the comfort women "apology" as "deplorable"
강경화 "위안부 해결 노력에 피해자 중심 접근 결여" / YTN
유엔, 인권 최고대표에 바첼레트 전 칠레 대통령 승인 / YTN
Concerns Korea-Japan sex slavery deal nullifies int'l efforts to criminalize violations
Former comfort women to sue Japan in U.S. court ″7월 내 일본 답변 없으면 2천만달러 국제소
UN forum participants call for stern punishment for wartime sexual crimes 유엔토론